Event Details
Event Title DSS: SEA: The Dinner Party, Reimagined
Location Graduate Student Center
Sponsor The Graduate School
Date/Time 03/21/2024 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
For more information, contact the event administrator: Kimberli Kuecker kki@ad.unc.edu
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In honor of Women's History Month, Diversity and Student Success and the Women's Center are hosting a special dinner on Thursday, March 21st, from 4:30 to 6 pm. Inspired by Judy Chicago's iconic art installation, 'The Dinner Party', we invite you to join us for a meal and share the names and stories of trail-blazing women and non-binary individuals who deserve a place at the table.

Chicago's creation celebrates 39 women with elaborate place settings and 998 other women with their names inscribed on its massive, porcelin base, with the aim of "ending the ongoing cycle of omission in which women were written out of the historical record." Her powerful yet problematic piece will serve as a launching point for an afternoon of conversation and commemoration.

We encourage you to nominate modern day role models and long forgotten troublemakers. As you do so, we will print a picture or symbol of that person. You may also bring a photo with you, particularly important if you're nominating a family member or close friend. Our goal is to create a rich, visual tapestry of these praise deserving womxn.

Please note that we are limiting this event to only 30 students to create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere where everyone is welcome to participate if they so desire. 

If you'd like to submit names, stories, and pictures ahead of time, please email Kim at kki@ad.unc.edu
UNC - Chapel Hill